
Stir it up!

Rod Shimabukuro


Therefore I intend always to remind you of these qualities, though you know them and are established in the truth that you have.I think it right, as long as I am in this body, to stir you up by way of reminder, 2 Peter 1:12-13


The growing qualities of virtue, knowledge, self control, steadfastness, godliness with brotherly affection and love is what Peter is referencing. He is reminding the church that it is through Jesus and His divine nature, that we can walk and increase in being strong in our faith. Adding to or supplementing our faith with these qualities is necessary for the ensuing war against our souls. The war of our frailties to give into sin and false doctrine. And the war opposing false teachers, doctrine and aggressive assaults against the Christian and their faith.

The danger of lacking these qualities? A blindness that will deceive us. The lie that Jesus is not Lord, He is not divine and He has not forgiven us of our sins.


I am reminded to remind my fellow Christ followers to grow in knowledge of Him. Possessing the qualities Peter lists is only possible through knowing and growing in Him.

So I personally, must give myself to spiritual growth. I give myself to so many other distractions - not all bad - but many that take away from growing stronger, the Lord. If I want to get stronger physically, I must give myself to proper nutrition, rest and exercise.

I am again reminded to remind others. To stir it exhort, guide, instruct, correct...others towards spiritual growth in Jesus! I will do this through on going Bible classes, discipleship, meeting with men who desire to become stronger disciples and spiritual leaders. I so pumped!


Thank you - Thank You...Divine Jesus...! For living in me and setting me apart to be who you are making me to be, to do what you are calling me to do. Thank you for equipping me in and through the Spirit of God! Holy Spirit...I really, really want to listen and grow through Your leadership guidance. Stir it Up...within me! Transform me into Jesus image in any way YOU see needed. I love You divine Godhead!

Today's Devotions

Isaiah 50,51,52
Psalms 92
2 Peter 1

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