My Covering & Protector
John Tilton
Psalm 56:1-2 Be merciful to me, my God, for my enemies are in hot pursuit; all day long they press their attack. My adversaries pursue me all day long; in their pride many are attacking me.
The psalmist reiterates the fact that God’s mercy not only covers us in our times of sin, but in times of peril when we are being attached or oppressed. One does not often realize that the enemy seeks to kill and destroy us on an ongoing basis, even if we are not cognizant of it. The enemy can work through others, seemingly prompted by their own good and pride, but probably manifested by the things of the enemy working through them. Yet, our Lord Jesus Christ is our covering and protector.
When playing sports, we often gird ourselves with protection in terms of padding, covering and guards. Those who have used protection realize that when girded with protection, we feel and are confident based on that protection. For instance in football, pads allow players to feel the confidence of bodily contact with others. In baseball, one feels safe if a stray ball is thrown toward one’s head when batting. So to, when we realize that the Lord is our covering and protector when we call on Him. We can then also feel the confidence of his covering and protection by feeling that we can sustain and defend the attacks of the enemy through others and situations. It is a confidence and hope based on God’s mercy.
Thank you Lord for reminding me that I can and should call on you when I am feeling attacked in this life, knowing that you are my covering and protection. Thank you for that confidence that allow me to feel hope, peace and strength in the eye of adversity.