
As for me and my house we will serve the LORD.

Louie Hillen

Hebrew 3:4For every house is built by someone, but He who built all things is God.
As I meditate on this to, yes everything around us has been built by someone, but who created us, who form us in our mothers whom. It's truly God who created us and built all things. When it says that every house is built by someone, when I look at that sentence at it self, I can see how I was living my life 16 years ago, trying to build my home with my own strength, without Jesus, it lead me no where. As I look at my life today I can see how good it is to have Jesus, be the center of my life and my home.
Our home is our first ministry, as I look at my house hold this is the first thing that comes to my mind. How good and pleasant it is to be in the house of the LORD. To see my wife Presciila seeking the Lord and serving with me in the prison ministry, both of us raising our two boys in the ways of the Lord. God is so good, to see Kunane our oldest son in New Hope Christian College and to know that he will be graduating next year. To see his younger brother Levi doing devotion and serving the Lord together. Joshua 24:14 "But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.
Heavenly Father Thank you very much for Blessing my house and my family. Jesus I am very grateful and very thankful of what you did and doing in our home and in my family's life. What more could I ask for but to have more and more of you and less of me. I pray that you continue to Cover, Protect and Bless our Church, our Pastor's, the Staff, our Volunteer's and all our Family's. In Jesus Name Amen...

Devotions for July 06

Hosea 6,7,8,9
Hebrews 3

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